Calligraphy Lecture at Japanese Supplementary School/ 日本語補習学校にて書写指導

8th ~ 16th September 2017 

【Tahi Party at New DATACOM's building in Auckland】

We had a Japanese Calligraphy workshop at DATACOM's opening party! Thank you for having us and we are very happy to see many people tried Japanese Calligraphy at the night.


(28th July 2017)

【Hiragana Kakikata Competition result for 2016】

We received the result of kids calligraphy competition from Japan. According to the association, participant from overseas is increasing and they make an special award for them from this year. Only one person can get the award in overseas section and 163 participants for this year. And one of my student who was practicing seriously every week have got this award!!! I am so proud of her! Well done Rita! We also have receive Diamond award as well! Well done Shota!


「ひらがな・かきかたコンクール」の結果が戻り、全員に渡し終えました。主催してくださっている全書会によると、海外からの参加者が年々増えているため、今年から海外の参加者から1名のみが選ばれる『特別会長賞』というものができたそうです。今年は163名の海外からの応募があったようで、、、生徒の一人がその特別会長賞を見事受賞しました!!!ペリエ里多さんおめでとう! 本当に本当によく頑張りました。また今年もダイアモンド賞をいただき、三年生の高田翔太君が受賞いたしました!おめでとう!


【Kanji fonts design for Tattoo】

We can make font design for your tattoo. Have a meeting or chatting by email and discuss about the fonts and correcting meanings and font style for your tattoo.



Tattoo artist Arron Aziel at THE TATTOOED HEART

                                                                                    (August, 2016)

【Japanese Calligraphy Demonstration by Masami Terasaka】

Date: 26th August 2016

Time: 15:00 to 17:00

Venue: Auckland University Room 220, Arts1 (206-202)

Address: 14A Symonds Street, Auckland CBD


★Japanese Calligrapher Masami Terasaka

Based in Maniwa City, Okayama Prefecture. Mr. Terasaka has been producing award winning brush and ink calligraphy for the past four decades. Working in kanji and kana. Mr. Terasaka's work, "The Sounds of the Temple Bells" received a Special Prize in the 2015 Nitten exhibition, the most prestigious event in the fine and applied arts held in Japan. Mr. Terasaka also performs large scale calligraphy demonstrations, exhibiting his virtuosity with the art.

Mr. Terasaka's performance will also feature his own commentary on his art, in Japanese with English interpretation.


Registration encouraged


Lectured of Japanese Calligraphy and layout

Had a lesson of calligraphy and layout to the students from ACG Yoobee School od Design. It was 4th time from the school. But this time, everyone were controlling brush and understanding very well, so they could try many fonts in short time! Well done everyone!

              (23rd June 2016)

ACG YoobeeでWebデザインを学ぶ生徒達にレイアウトの授業を兼ねて書道のレッスンをいたしました。今回で4回目のレッスンでしたが、今回参加した生徒さんの学ぶスピードの速さには驚きです。おかげでみんなが色々な書体、漢字にチャレンジし楽しんでもらうことができました。          (2016年6月23日)


Thank you for visiting Japanese Calligraphy section at JAPANDAY 2016! Hopefully everyone enjoyed Japanese Calligraphy experience. Thanks to the volunteers and my students! The preparation and cleaning were very quick and worked very smoothly and FUN, because of you guys!


【Lectured at Mcleans College】

Thank you for having me! (8th April2016)


Apology for my private things and this is not about Calligraphy.


Recently, Kumamoto, Japan have got big earthquakes and many houses and roads are destroyed. 

My family also many peoples are still at evacuating place. Not much food over there. Even my sister is working for her company, then volunteering at the evacuation place as well.

It is okay 1 dollars. Please make a donation for My home town Kumamoto. Please pray for them! This is all I can do for them.

I made this for collecting some donation from New Zealand.
If you can make a photo copy of this flyer below, and put your wall in your office or school, that would be greatly appreciated!!! But if you need PDF file, please let me know. By the way, this bear is called "Kumamon" and he is Kumamoto's mascot.

I will also make donation box soon. If you need flyer and the donation box, please let me know as well. I will bring it to your office or school.

And I really appreciate all of the support of Japanese Society.





These photos are just few. There are thousands of thousands of houses completely collapsed in Mashiki and Aso areas.... Please help Kumamoto!!!

オークランドホリデープログラム ひらがな 歌  柴崎理恵 松林恵

【スクールホリデープログラム: 親子でにほんごを学ぼう! 】

     School Holiday program in Japanese



開催日: 4月17日(日)、18日(月)

場 所: The Spreading Tree 37 Mt. Eden road, Mt. Eden, Auckland

時 間: 【ひらがな10:00~10:40】

      ↓ 休憩


      ↓ 休憩


料 金: 親子$50、子供さんが2人以上の場合はご相談ください

準備物: 鉛筆、お飲み物等は各自でご準備ください

備 考: 今回お子様のみの参加はできませんのでご了承ください



① 保護者氏名

② 児童氏名

③ 児童年齢

④ お電話番号

⑤ ご希望の日



柴崎 理恵 rie.shibasaki@gmail.com 021-269-2670

書道 習字 オークランド ニュージーランド Japanese Calligraphy Auckland New Zealand

Workshop at Silo Park on 20th March, 2016

  Place:  Silo Park Cnr. of Jellicoe and Beaumont Sts. in Wynyard Quarter

  Time:   1 p.m. ~ 4 p.m.


This event is postponed from 7th Feb and weather permitting only. Hopefully, it will be nice weather!!! Fingers crossed!

前回のように天候が悪いと中止になります。どうか晴れますように!ご興味のある方, お時間のある方はぜひぜひ遊びに来てください。

Gekkan NZ March issue 2016

It was published in Gekkan NZ March issue. It is in one of the article of Japanese Culture. Thank you Gekkan NZ!


>>>Link to Gekkan NZ Website in English日本語

書道 習字 オークランド ニュージーランド Japanese Calligraphy Auckland New Zealand

Work Shop at Silo Park on 7th Feb, 2016

             postponed to 20th March 

  Place:  Silo Park Cnr. of Jellicoe and Beaumont Sts. in Wynyard Quarter

  Time:   1 p.m. ~ 4 p.m.


I know, it is very short notice. I will have a workshop in this weekend at Silo Park.  

Feel free to visit us!

大変急な話ですが、今週日曜日にSilo Parkにてワークショップを行います。

ご興味のある方, お時間のある方はぜひぜひ遊びに来てください。

Thank you for Seido Karate Club and Tamashii Taiko Club

Thank you for giving me this opportunity Auckland Seido Karate Club and Tamashi Taiko Club. It was first time I had demonstration up against on the wall, it was so much different and difficult, and great experience. It will be my next challenge!


>>>Link to Auckland Seido Karate Website

書道 習字 オークランド ニュージーランド Japanese Calligraphy Auckland New Zealand NICEJAPAN

Article in NICE JAPAN Website

There are very interesting website in English which explain many things of Japan.

Thank you for writing very nice article for me Nice Japan! 



>>>Link to NICE JAPAN Website

Happy New Year !!!

Happy New Year everyone! How was your holidays? Auckland Japanese Calligraphy will start from18th January. And I have one more thing to announce. I will have calligraphy demonstration for Auckland Seido Karate Club's workshop with Taiko group Tamashii. Do you want to join Karate workshop???

あけましておめでとうございます♪  本年もよろしくお願いいたします。書道教室のスタートは以前に連絡いたしましたとおり1月18日よりスタートです。今日はもう一つお知らせがあります。オークランド誠道空手塾が行うワークショップのオープニングで、和太鼓グループのTamashiと一緒にデモンストレーションを行うことになりました。ご興味のある方はどうぞ! 

Auckland Seido Karate Club Workshp

25 Taylors Road, Morningside, Auckland

Start from 8 a.m.

Regarding Summer Holidays

Thank you for joining Japanese Calligraphy Class this year and giving me Christmas gifts!!! l really enjoyed this year's class and hopefully we keep going forward next year, too. Calligraphy Class will start 18th January 2016!!! Have a happy holidays!!!


Holiday Start:  20st December 2015

New Year's Class Start:  18th January 2016

🐵🐵🐵🐵🐵↓ More Christmas Cards Photos 🐵🐵🐵🐵🐵

         Click Here!!

【Making Christmas Card 年賀状作成

Every year in November, we make Japanese Calligraphy style Christmas Card. Bring lots of ideas for it. Please click here to get more information for classes !


Japanese Calligraphy Auckland New Zealand, ニュージーランド オークランド書道教室

【Thank you for everyone who support for us!

Thank you for great opportunity to share Japanese Calligraphy. And I am very glad to hear lots of great comments from audience. We wish we could have our exhibition next year! 


(9th August, 2015)

Japanese Calligraphy Auckland New Zealand, ニュージーランド オークランド書道教室

Japanese Cultural Event "Nagomi" on 8th Augast 2015

Come and join us to partake in a smorgasbord of Japanese music and culture!

This is a condensed mini-tour of all that is Japanese. Japanese vocal music, Koto (traditional stringed instrument) music, demonstration of Ikebana (flower arrangement), display of Japanese calligraphy, and a cup of tea authentically served in the tea ceremony manner.

All welcome.

Date: Sunday, 9th August 2015, door opens at 1:30 pm for a 2:00 start

Venue: The Spreading Tree, 37 Mt Eden Rd, Grafton

Ticket: $15 per person with children under two free.

Booking essential. Contact: Reiko at 027-330-0082 perfectlife@xtra.co.nz or

Mika at 021-053-5088 mikalwrnc@gmail.com

Nagomi flyer full colour.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 231.3 KB

Japanese Calligraphy Auckland New Zealand, ニュージーランド オークランド書道教室

【Wednesday and Thursday Class (CBD)】

Some of my students are going to leave New Zealand soon, so we will have space for you! 

残念ですが、何人かの生徒がニュージーランドを離れるため席に空きができます。 ご興味のある方はお問い合わせください。

(17th June 2015)

Japanese Calligraphy Mt. Eden Class, Auckland, New Zealand, ニュージーランド オークランド書道教室
Japanese Calligraph Auckland Mt. Eden Class        書道教室(マウントイーデン、オークランド)

【Mt. Eden Class started at The Spreading Thee♪】

We still have many space. If you are interested in Japanese Calligraphy, please join us! 

マウントイーデンクラスでは、まだまだ生徒募集中です。ご興味のある方は遠慮なくご相談ください。時間帯のご相談なども受付けております。(1st June 2015) 

  Date:  every Tuesday

        Venue:  The Spreading Tree (37 Mt. Eden Road)

        Time:  15:30~17:00,  17:30~19:00

        Fee:  $20 each lesson

・More class for CBD (Saturday 9:30~11:00)

Will start Saturday morning class from 4th April. 2 seats left!! 

4月4日より、CBDにて土曜日クラスがはじまります。残り2席です。(16th March 2015)

・Will open Mt. Eden class from 21st April, 2015!!

4月21日(毎週火曜)Mt. Edenクラスがはじまります。



The Spreading Tree Art Space

37 Mt. Eden Road, Mt. Eden, Auckland

15:30~17:00, 17:30~19:00


Japanese Calligraphy Class Information
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Japanese Calligraphy Auckland New Zealand ニュージーランド オークランド お習字教室
AJSS Japanese Calligraphy Lesson 日本語補習学校かきぞめ

Kakizome classes at Auckland Japanese Supplementary School】

Some kids who joined, have also experienced their first time holding a Calligraphy brush. Hopefully, every single kids had fun and enjoyed Japanese Calligraphy. Writing to someone from deep in the heart will enhance your writing skills. Nowadays, penmanship is a dying culture, that's why passion is important in helping to improve your writing skills.

日本語補習校にて、書初めの指導をさせていただきました。中には始めて筆を持ったという学生もいました。一人ひとりが楽しんで学んで欲しいですね。「誰かに心を込めて書く」という気持ちが一番大事だと思います。その気持ちが「丁寧に書く」ということに繋がると思います。(February, 2015)